Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  It was a year ago on January 15th that we launched Our Southern Breeze in Dallas, TX at my brother-in-law, Ron Hall and his wife Beth’s home.  It was an event that I missed due to emergency surgery on my tummy!  That event began an exciting journey for me.

I wanted to thank so many people who not only read my book but told others about it.  There have been opportunities for me to speak at churches, book clubs, and other events.  I was honored to speak in San Antonio at an event hosted by South Texas Money Management called ‘Second Chances’.

As I focus more on the book, Debbie Kirtland, who has been running DJ Consultants since I started writing Our Southern Breeze, is gradually taking over most of the responsibilities of the company.  What a blessing to know that she has the passion and love that I’ve had for so many years. 

Thank you again and may God bless you in 2013!

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