Saturday, October 27, 2012

Daughters of the King at Sugar Hill UMC

On Thursday I was honored to be one of the speakers at my church.  Many of the 80 women had already read my book and several had heard me speak at other venues.  The feedback was wonderful and I continue to be blessed that God has given me a platform to speak about God's gift of forgiveness, restoration, and second chances.  I appreciate the people who are supporting me on this exciting journey I am on.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Book club at Dunwoody Methodist Church

Jane Cox invited me to speak last night at the Dunwoody Methodist Church book club.  What a blessing to be made to feel so welcomed. I was honored to share my heart about "Our Southern Breeze" and how God took a broken woman like me and not only forgave and restored me but gave me a second chance on life.The questions asked were wonderful and helped the group to understand my journey even better. I left with a smile on my face thanking God for such a wonderful evening. Thank you Jane for suggesting my book!

Friday, October 19, 2012

My dear friend who recently became blind from a brain tumor

This is more information about what we discussed regarding the opportunity for stem cell treatments in China. I am excited about the possibility of seeing again, especially after a rough transition to having no vision. I met Tim Smith about four months ago. He and I both attend 12Stone church, but we were at different campuses, so our paths had not crossed. After I lost my vision, a mutual friend introduced us, and our friendship developed and I was inspired by him. Tim went to an eye doctor in Alabama who gave him the information regarding this company in China who was a leader in stem cell treatments and development. I made inquiries directly to the company and have gotten temporary approval to receive a fifteen day treatment that will cost approximately $18,500. I want Lovey to go with me, so we are raising additional money for airfare. So, we are looking at about $25,000 per couple. Their treatment success rate is close to 75% as long as my case falls under their protocol. So far, I have a green light. We are extremely excited that the possibility of seeing again and giving hope to our families that we can lead a more normal life. Thank you for your love and support and we will keep you updated on the progress. Blessings, -Wesley Vaughn  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Celebrating NINE years of marriage

After a year of dating we were finally married on October 11, 2003!  God save HIS best for me!  What a blessing these nine years have been.  Thank you John Angelo for choosing me to be your wife!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Barnes & Noble at the Mall of Georgia

I stopped by Barnes & Noble at the mall today (Sat) to see how many books they have sold. The manager said only one but would I like to autograph the remaining books!  No only did I autograph them but she displayed them by the front cash register!