Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

Speaking at Mt. Paran North

Tomorrow evening I am speaking at Mt. Paran North. So far 272 people have registered! My sweet husband, daughter, and one of my granddaughters will be there to support me. What an honor to share my story of my brokenness that God turned into good!
Mt. Paran Central event

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Book signing at Barnes & Noble!

Saturday May 4th from 2p-4p7600 North Point Parkway, Suite 200, Alpharetta, GA
Hope you can make it! :)

Mt. Paren North, Ladies Night Out

On Tuesday April 30th I will be speaking at Mt. Paran North. The event is Ladies Night Out. Please check the link below for details. 
Mt. Paran North, Ladies Night Out