Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Off to first book launch!

Today my husband and I leave for Dallas for the first book launch of "Our Southern Breeze.  The event is Saturday from 2p to 4p.  Right now 160 people have RSVP'd.  This is such an exciting time.  Hope you get a chance to read the book!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We are now on iTunes!!!! Just downloaded it on my iPhone!

These are exciting times!

We got our first order over the website for 10 books!  How exciting!  I've made the decision if anyone orders 10 or more books I will send 2 autographed copies to say thank you. 

Next Saturday is our book launch in Dallas and as of today 136 people have RSVP'd.  My dear friend in Austin, TX is doing all of the planning and it will be a beautiful event. 

In February we there are several book signings being planned in Austin.  If you live in the area please check it out on our website at We’d love to have you!